LLC ( Limited Liability Company ) is considered a very flexible structure to incorporate business. It limits liability and not much paper work involved. Payroll is not required for the members of the LLC like corporations.
Professionals used to mostly recommend for real estate businesses but now a days it is becoming a most suitable structure for all businesses to limit liability and avoid additional paper work involved like corporations. There is no limit for the shareholders like an s-corporation.
Some folks think that they can register their businesses in any state. But technically it is not true. You have to register a business in the state where you are physically located. For example; you are located in
Same in the state of
So, most professionals advise to keep it simple and register your business according to your residency.
To Read More : What is LLC and should I use this for my business?
Source : Business Documents Filing in 50 States
Source : Business Documents Filing in 50 States
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